Sunday 2 May 2010


Genre signifiers:

For are film we used the genre of Horror in which we signified this genre by using weapons to show a murder weapon for are killer we also used a setting of a scary boiler room where are main character walks into to investigate. We also used camera angles that showed the genre like extreme close ups of are characters faces to show the emotions of fear also we showed glimpse of the killer to give it the effect that now one knows the killer. Are film is like the previous era of horror film like how we shot it and the story line but then it also has a part of new horror era like using younger actors in a Horror film to aim it at a younger audience.


The students in are piece are portrayed young because the movement of the characters are very child like and the main character is very unaware of what is happening around him also the environment is a school and some parts take part in a classroom. Also the main character is adventurous because he explores what has happened outside after he realises what is happening.


Are film would be seen on You Tube and other online video streaming sites like Google videos. We would advertise the video by linking the film to popular videos so the viewers would find the video easy and we would also advertise on social networking sites because are film is aimed at the teenager scene because of the drama and plot of it being at a school.


The audience for are film would be both sexes male and female because not just a one-sided sex film. The age group would be 14-25 because of the setting of it being at a school the audience could relate with the environment.

Attract Audience:

We attract teenagers to are film by using characters of the same age as are viewers, also we play a soundtrack that is in the charts so the viewers would have heard it before. The genre also attracts the audience because it’s a horror but it keeps you on the edge of your seats, which most people of the age 14-25 prefer nowadays.


To make are film we used a high quality digital camera which we then recorded onto tap. After we filmed we used the editing software Storm Editing that have us the faculties to cut, copy, add soundtracks, add effects like fade and it also gave us the chance to put are film together in the right order because we filmed are movie backwards. The only problem we encountered was that some parts of the editing software was hard to work because we were used to using Windows Movie Maker and this software was a big step up from that.

Prelim Task:

Are preliminary task was to film someone entering a room then some dialog then some one exiting the room. For this part of are work we planned by choosing the location of are task we also wrote a script of what was said in the footage we also chose what shots to use like over the shoulder shot, mid shot. The editing we used was Strom Editing software, for this part of the task we had to just edit out are mistakes and cut some of are shots so that it fitted nicely together to get the best final result

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